mungkin karena bosan dengan bentuk form yg selalu kotak ..
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tambahkan sebuah module di project anda
dan sisipkan code berikut :
private declare function getwindowlong lib "user32" alias "getwindowlonga" (byval hwnd as long, byval nindex as long) as long private declare function setwindowlong lib "user32" alias "setwindowlonga" (byval hwnd as long, byval nindex as long, byval dwnewlong as long) as long private declare function setlayeredwindowattributes lib "user32" (byval hwnd as long, byval crkey as long, byval bdefaut as byte, byval dwflags as long) as long private const gwl_exstyle as long = (-20) private const lwa_colorkey as long = &h1 private const lwa_defaut as long = &h2 private const ws_ex_layered as long = &h80000 ' public function transparency(byval hwnd as long, optional byval col as long = vbblack, _ optional byval pctransp as byte = 255, optional byval trmode as boolean = true) as boolean ' return : true if there is no error. ' hwnd : hwnd of the window to make transparent ' col : color to make transparent if trmode=false ' pctransp : 0 ã 255 >> 0 = transparent -:- 255 = opaque dim displaystyle as long voirstyle = getwindowlong(hwnd, gwl_exstyle) if displaystyle <> (displaystyle or ws_ex_layered) then displaystyle = (displaystyle or ws_ex_layered) call setwindowlong(hwnd, gwl_exstyle, displaystyle) end if transparency = (setlayeredwindowattributes(hwnd, col, pctransp, iif(trmode, lwa_colorkey or lwa_defaut, lwa_colorkey)) <> 0) if not err.number = 0 then err.clear end function public sub activetransparency(m as form, d as boolean, f as boolean, _ t_transparency as integer, optional color as long) dim b as boolean if d and f then 'makes color (here the background color of the shape) transparent 'upon value of t_transparency b = transparency(m.hwnd, color, t_transparency, false) elseif d then 'makes form, including all components, transparent 'upon value of t_transparency b = transparency(m.hwnd, 0, t_transparency, true) else 'restores the form opaque. b = transparency(m.hwnd, , 255, true) end if end sub
kemudian untuk form nya . tambahkan code berikut :
private noc as integer private str1 as string private str2 as string private str3 as string private strmessage as string option explicit const ws_ex_layered = &h80000 const gwl_exstyle = (-20) const lwa_alpha = &h2 '************************************** ' name: make a transparent area (any size) in your form ' description:this function create a transparent area of dirrent shape (such as rectangle, circle) ' by: sapta_agunk ' 'this code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.please see '1, declararion ' this should be in the form's general declaration area. if you declare in a modeule, ' you need to omit the word "private" private declare function createroundrectrgn lib "gdi32" (byval x1 as long, byval y1 as long, byval x2 as long, byval y2 as long, byval x3 as long, byval y3 as long) as long private declare function createrectrgn lib "gdi32" (byval x1 as long, byval y1 as long, byval x2 as long, byval y2 as long) as long private declare function createellipticrgn lib "gdi32" (byval x1 as long, byval y1 as long, byval x2 as long, byval y2 as long) as long private declare function combinergn lib "gdi32" (byval hdestrgn as long, byval hsrcrgn1 as long, byval hsrcrgn2 as long, byval ncombinemode as long) as long private declare function setwindowrgn lib "user32" (byval hwnd as long, byval hrgn as long, byval bredraw as long) as long '2 the function ' this should be in the form's code. private function fmakeatransparea(areatype as string, pcordinate() as long) as boolean 'name: fmakeatranparea 'author: sapta_agunk 'date: 15-11-2010 'purpose: create a transprarent area in a form so that you can see through 'input: areatype : a string indicate what kind of hole shape it would like to make ' pcordinate : the cordinate area needed for create the shape: ' example: x1, y1, x2, y2 for rectangle 'output: a boolean const rgn_diff = 4 dim loriginalform as long dim lthehole as long dim lnewform as long dim lfwidth as single dim lfheight as single dim lborder_width as single dim ltitle_height as single on error goto trap lfwidth = scalex(width, vbtwips, vbpixels) lfheight = scaley(height, vbtwips, vbpixels) loriginalform = createrectrgn(0, 0, lfwidth, lfheight) lborder_width = (lfheight - scalewidth) / 2 ltitle_height = lfheight - lborder_width - scaleheight select case areatype case "elliptic" lthehole = createellipticrgn(pcordinate(1), pcordinate(2), pcordinate(3), pcordinate(4)) case "rectangle" lthehole = createrectrgn(pcordinate(1), pcordinate(2), pcordinate(3), pcordinate(4)) case "roundrect" lthehole = createroundrectrgn(pcordinate(1), pcordinate(2), pcordinate(3), pcordinate(4), pcordinate(5), pcordinate(6)) case "circle" lthehole = createroundrectrgn(pcordinate(1), pcordinate(2), pcordinate(3), pcordinate(4), pcordinate(3), pcordinate(4)) case else msgbox "unknown shape!!" exit function end select lnewform = createrectrgn(0, 0, 0, 0) combinergn lnewform, loriginalform, _ lthehole, rgn_diff setwindowrgn hwnd, lnewform, true me.refresh fmakeatransparea = true exit function trap: msgbox "error occurred. error # " & err.number & ", " & err.description end function private sub form_load() str1 = "transparant form -- edited by sapta_agunk thx to mbah google .. ^^v " 'contoh text yg akan berjalan dim i as integer 'ex: all transparent at ratio 140/255 'activetransparency me, true, false, 140, me.backcolor 'ex: form transparent, visible component at ratio 140/255 'activetransparency me, true, true, 140, me.backcolor 'example display the form transparency degradation activetransparency me, true, false, 0 for i = 0 to 255 step 3 activetransparency me, true, false, i me.refresh next i end sub
untuk finishing desain sesuka hati anda
dengan bentuk2 yang menarik
nb : coding hanya membaca semua warna / color yang berhubungan dengan hitam
sehingga , aplikasi nya >> semua yang berwarna hitam akan menjadi transparant <<
lihat gambar :
- Ask questions in the thread and do not PM me
- Try before asking
- Error is something we will study further
- Try before asking
- Error is something we will study further
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